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General Online Terms and Conditions


The public offers agreement about the sale of goods on the website of the online store

The Porty online store (further Seller) hereby expresses its intention to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of Goods with Buyers (individuals purchasing Goods) on the terms of this Public Offer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) posted on the website / (hereinafter referred to as the Online store). By ordering Goods through the Online Store, the Buyer agrees to the terms of this Agreement set out below.


1. General terms and conditions

1.1. This agreement is a public offer and is drawn up in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 1.2. This Agreement regulates the legal relationship that arose between the Seller and the Buyer when purchasing Goods in the Online store. 1.3. Payment for goods and Paid Services by the Buyer is an acceptance of the offer, which is considered equivalent to concluding a Contract on the terms set out in the offer. 1.4. Based on the above, carefully read the text of the public offer, and if you do not agree with any clause of the offer, you are invited to refuse to purchase goods provided by the Seller. 1.5. In this offer, unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms have the following meanings:

"Offer" is a Seller's public offer addressed to any individual (citizen) to conclude a purchase and sale agreement with him (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") on the existing terms contained in the Agreement, including all its appendices.


"Buyer" is an individual who has concluded an Agreement with the Seller on the terms contained in the Agreement.

"Acceptance" means the Buyer's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of the Contract.

"Goods" is a list of assortment items presented on the official website.

"Order" – individual items from the assortment list of goods and services specified by the Buyer when making an application on the website.


2. The subject of the contract

2.1. The Seller sells the goods and provides paid services in accordance with the current price list published on the Seller's website , and the Buyer makes the payment and accepts the goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2. This Agreement and its annexes are official documents of the Seller and an integral part of the offer.


3. Making an Order

3.1. The order of the goods is carried out by the Buyer through the website

3.2. When registering and/ or making a purchase of goods on the Seller's website, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registration information about himself: full name, e-mail address, address for delivery of goods, phone number.

3.3. The Buyer has the right to edit the registration information about himself. The Seller does not change or edit the registration information about the Buyer without the latter's consent. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's data specified during registration or purchase on the site and when placing an Order, to persons who are not related to the execution of the Order. Having approved the Order of the selected product or Paid Services, the Buyer provides the Seller with the necessary information in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 3.2. of this Agreement.

3.4. The Seller is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an Order.

3.5. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order.

3.6. Payment by the Buyer for an Order independently placed on the Internet site means the Buyer agrees to the terms of this Agreement. The day of payment of the Order is the date of conclusion of the Purchase Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.

3.7. If the Buyer has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the product or detailed information on the services provided, he must consult the Seller before placing an Order.


4. Deadlines for the execution of the Order

4.1. The Product is sent to the Buyer within seven working days after placing and paying for the Order. A delay in shipment is allowed, but then the Seller is obliged to notify the Buyer in advance about this.

4.2. If the Buyer provides false information about his contact details, the Seller is not responsible for improper execution of the Order.


5. Payment of the Order

5.1. Payment for the Order is made by transferring funds from the Buyer to the Seller through the payment form posted on the website . Confirmation of payment for a completed Order is an information letter that is sent to the Buyer by e-mail after payment of the Order.

5.2. Prices for the entire product range indicated on the website , may be changed unilaterally by the Seller without notifying the Buyer.


6. Order Delivery

6.1 The product is sent to the Buyer within seven working days from the date of payment of the order, by sending the order in the way chosen by the Buyer: EMS, Cdek, Russian post (by additional agreement with the Seller).


7. Order Refund

7.1. A refund is possible within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the order by the Buyer, provided that the presentation and integrity of the goods are preserved. The shipping costs of returning the goods to the Seller are borne by the Buyer.


9. Force majeure

9.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement if this non-fulfillment occurred as a result of the occurrence, action and consequences of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement and to which the Parties include: flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, storm, subsidence, epidemics and other natural phenomena as well as war or military actions, power outages, Internet outages and other circumstances that arose against the will of the Parties and which prevent the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement.

9.2. The Party must notify the other Party about the effect of force majeure no later than one day after the date of their occurrence or from the day when it became possible to carry out such notification by means of notification by electronic or telephone communication.

9.3. After the termination (elimination) of force majeure, the Buyer can pay for the selected product, and the Seller can send the paid order to the Buyer. In this case, it will be considered that you have fulfilled all your obligations under this Agreement.


10. Final provisions.

10.1. The Buyer enters into this agreement voluntarily, while the Buyer:

I have fully familiarized myself with the terms of this agreement by marking on the corresponding checkbox ("ticks") at the time of placing the order;
fully understands the significance and consequences of his actions in relation to the conclusion and execution of the contract.

10.2. The Buyer has all the rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement.

10.3. The Buyer has the right to send all claims for improper execution of the order by letter to the e-mail address

All received information is processed within up to 5 business days.



privacy policy


This Privacy Policy of Personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) applies to all information provided by the Online store "portygroup" located on the domain name , can get information about the User while using the website of the Online store, programs and products of the Online store.


1. Definition of terms

1.1. The following terms are used in this Privacy Policy: 

1.1.1. "The Administration of the Online Store website (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration)" – authorized site management employees acting on behalf of portygroup, who organize and (or) process personal data, as well as determine the purposes of personal data processing, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.

1.1.2. "Personal data" means any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

1.1.3. "Processing of personal data" means any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

1.1.4. "Confidentiality of personal data" is a mandatory requirement for the Operator or other person who has access to personal data to prevent their dissemination without the consent of the personal data subject or the presence of other legal grounds.


2. General provisions

2.1. The User's use of the Online Store's website means acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the terms of processing of the User's personal data.

2.2. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Privacy Policy, the User must stop using the Online Store's website.

2.3. This Privacy Policy applies only to the website of the portygroup Online store. The Online Store does not control and is not responsible for third-party sites to which the User can click on links available on the Online Store's website. 

2.4. The site administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User of the Online store's website.


3. Subject of the Privacy Policy

3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the obligations of the Administration of the online store's website for non-disclosure and ensuring the confidentiality of personal data that the User provides at the request of the Site Administration when registering on the online store's website or when placing an order for the purchase of Goods.

3.2. The personal data allowed to be processed under this Privacy Policy is provided by the User by filling out the registration form on the Website of the portygroup online store in the "checkout" section and includes the following information: 

3.2.1. last name, first name, patronymic of the User; 

3.2.2. The User's contact phone number;

3.2.3. e-mail address (e-mail);

3.2.4. the delivery address of the Goods;

3.2.5. the User's place of residence.

3.3. The online store protects the Data that is automatically transmitted during the viewing of advertising blocks and when visiting pages on which the statistical script of the system ("pixel") is installed:

• IP address;

• information from cookies;

• information about the browser (or other program that provides access to the display of ads);

• Access time;

• the address of the page where the ad block is located;

• referrer (address of the previous page).

3.3.1. Disabling cookies may result in the inability to access parts of the Online Store's website that require authorization.

3.3.2. The online store collects statistics on the IP addresses of its visitors. This information is used to identify and solve technical problems, to control the legality of financial payments.

3.4. Any other personal information not specified above (purchase history, browsers and operating systems used, etc.) is subject to secure storage and non-proliferation.

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